Deli Hemp honors the LGBTQ+ community this Pride month with a rainbow CBD limited edition.
A pretty box in rainbow colors, proudly supported by the Cannabis sector and Deli Hemp in particular.
The Sativa-dominant Deli Queen variety offers deliciously tart and sweet flavours. And brings effects of fullness and well-being.
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Deli Hemp honors the LGBTQ+ community this Pride month with a rainbow CBD limited edition.
A pretty box in rainbow colors, a symbol of pride proudly supported by the Cannabis sector, and Deli Hemp in particular.
The Sativa-dominant Deli Queen variety offers deliciously tangy, sweet flavours.
And effects of fullness and well-being.
We explain: On this Pride Month, it's essential to look at the LGBTQ+ community and its history, particularly with pro-cannabis activism.
The democratization of cannabis in the USA was made possible by the LGBTQ+ community fighting for it.
In the 70s and 80s, when the wave of the HIV epidemic began to affect many homosexuals, the American healthcare system pretended to appreciate the seriousness of the epidemic, but failed to provide the medical care needed to alleviate and heal those afflicted.
This lack of empathy on the part of the government and inadequate medical care led the LGBTQ+ community to turn to alternatives such as cannabis as a therapeutic means to help alleviate certain symptoms.
Today, we can see from this historical perspective that cannabis use in the LGBTQ+ community is higher than in the straight community.
Whether we're defending freedom of sexual orientation or the liberation of therapeutic cannabis consumption, these two struggles are part of a strong social context that has always suffered discrimination.
Thanks to undeniable scientific proof of the benefits it can provide, cannabis has been liberalized (in some countries) for some years now.
Unfortunately, however, it continues (in some countries) to be rejected and to have a negative image.
Cannabis and the LGTBQ+ community have several things in common:
Two sectors that continue to fight to live freely and simply.
Today, Deli Hemp, considered the N°1 CBD company in France, continues to offer its support for a better world of love and equality, by offering a box in the colors of the LGBTQ+ community.